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Perfect trade executions in an imperfect marketplace.

Orange Wave Trading Technologies


Yell on the floor, not at your software.

High Speed
Performance & Automation

Orange Wave trade confirmation tools eliminate high-risk manual processes and shorten the distance between premier order execution, maximum profitability, and secure ordering.

35 Years of CME Floor Trading Experience

Orange Wave trade confirmation tools eliminate high-risk manual processes and shorten the distance between premier order execution, maximum profitability, and secure ordering.

Enterprise Level Security & Compliance

Orange Wave trade confirmation tools eliminate high-risk manual processes and shorten the distance between premier order execution, maximum profitability, and secure ordering.

Dominate The Back-Office
Like You Dominate The Pit

Trade Confirmations Streamlined.
Secure. Accurate

Every Transaction. Every Detail.

Every Time.

Enjoy enterprise level dashboard reporting regardless of your trade volumes, desktop, mobile, however you trade… set alerts for trade executions, confirmations, notifications and watch alerts become executable trades with a single click.


Never miss a trade confirmation when details matter most.

Reconcile in whatever format you your client dictates. Email, Excel, CSV, SMS, or a custom API directly integrated seamlessly to your financial software. 

Your Clients Demand Execution Excellence on Every Trade.  

So Do We.
Never miss a trade confirmation when details matter most.

Perfect execution in an imperfect market means more trades, more often, with less mistakes and the highest margins possible. Stop wondering about confirmation. Stop waiting for documentation. Start focusing on strategy. Start focusing on your next profitable trade.

Industry Top Shops Rely on Orange Wave

Better Trading Software exists. Let us show you why traders everywhere love Orange Wave.

Focus on tradings. Run away from paper.

“My team is focused on selling and placing strategic trades. Trades and confirmation are done right the first time, every time, and everyone leaves on more rework. Where was this 10 years ago.”

Nancy G. - CFO - Chicago, IL

“I was spending more time cleaning up orders and reformatting confirmations differently for each of my clients than I was generating business and growing our book. Now I focus on selling, not repetitive paperwork and endless Excel sheets.”

Michael R. - Trader - Chicago, IL

"Manual entries and repetitive tasks are simply the worst part of our business. Mistakes are inevitable. Orange Wave eliminated so much paper it was a game changer. No more costly rework."

Matt C. - Trader - Chicago, IL


© 2023 by Orange Wave Trading Software, LLC - Chicago, IL

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